Essays, Miniaturen, Kurzgeschichten,
Gedichte, Theater, SciFi.
Slam philosophy.
Real, surreal, Rübezahl.
Le Deutungshoheit c' est moi.
Die deutsche Einheit in geil.
Archimareschalkus Alliteratus.
Advocatus diaboli.
Säure für die Massen.
Bildende Selbstverteidigung für Nackte und Blinde.
Konkreter Neuer Realismus.
Method writing.
Polyrythmische Beiträge zur Metaphysik der Zersetzung.
Swinging through the Überbau like a monkey in the jungle
and sailing the seas of ambiguity.
Mudman's sketchbook.
I only write to stay alive.

Very close parallel universes

a capella

How would u do
if u did else?
Just one tree apart the universe ur used 2.

Where u go when u sleep
and where u return to?
How could u tell
just one tree away.
Who said ur wrong
noone recalls
one tree away.
What would u do
if nothing has happened
just one tree away.
When did u dream
and what did u do
one tree away.
Which way u took
whose ways u crossed
why did u do this
one tree away.

Nothing ever happens
it all cancels out itself,
One tree away
ur still the same
one tree away.