Essays, Miniaturen, Kurzgeschichten,
Gedichte, Theater, SciFi.
Slam philosophy.
Real, surreal, Rübezahl.
Le Deutungshoheit c' est moi.
Die deutsche Einheit in geil.
Archimareschalkus Alliteratus.
Advocatus diaboli.
Säure für die Massen.
Bildende Selbstverteidigung für Nackte und Blinde.
Konkreter Neuer Realismus.
Method writing.
Polyrythmische Beiträge zur Metaphysik der Zersetzung.
Swinging through the Überbau like a monkey in the jungle
and sailing the seas of ambiguity.
Mudman's sketchbook.
I only write to stay alive.

Dear Elon,


The tool doesnt have to know its a tool


have you ever thought about Mars?

The poisonous ground killing off everything, of course the radioactivity will be far faster.

The only way to survive is in underground systems, 

shielded and provided with essentials that have to be stored in advance.

I just wonder; and its quite boring so to say, it bores me a lot-

why take the effort and go to Mars for this, when i can win a nuclear war here on earth.

And make use of the technologies developped.

The ships?

I bet some of the chosen ones dont want to take the risk,

a well planned orbital cruise could be up there for decades, maybe even generational-

re-entry succesfully tested.

On planet Earth.

Where are we really heading for?