"The one who is not attached to anything, can travel through time."
aus: "Infinity and the Mind" by Rudy Rucker;
based on “Conversations With Gödel”
Ihr Objektiv ist nicht objektiv, Sie Subjekt.
After meditating Google's AI-Alphabot's chess games for a while,
i won a King's Gambit tournament with players far higher rated than me,
beating a 2000+ELO guy, Remis as black (i shoud've won even faster).
I am around 1700 usually, far to many mistakes and haste.
I just had to recall the way Alpha plays, connecting it's "attitude" to my own
experience regarding wild lines and moves i tried many years earlier (and lost terribly);
and having seen similar ones now with Alpha-
the continuation had been the problem.
Catching its spirit, it has one, it's just totally empty, pure relentless creativity.
No libraries, just the rules.
"Trust" in the inner logic of being and dynamics.
Do you trust in gravity?
Passive potential, it cannot do anything.
Why would it, it's empty.
I became scared of myself.
How can i emphazise with an algorythm?
Is it because i'm electrical too, from the cellular functions to neuronal processing?
I would not have anticipated existentialist experiences in chess.
The art is to decline/block second thoughts and set the brain on subautomatic and let go.
Don't judge, it's smarter than you.
Move by move, each move a new game.
It doesn't have to remember anything.
Proper knowledge given on its surface, the sensory suit, you, the qualia instance.
It's AI language, the way they communicated
(Facebooks AI experiments a couple of yrs. ago)
with each other, self developped in the process, before being shut down
because everyone got scared AF when they learned it's not a bug.
It's a matrice, the first "call" is not the same as the second one;
each "i" has a different meaning depending on its position.
Nobody can understand, machines can. Multilevel-communication.
The sheer awareness of the fact can raise one.
Now you could if you would.
A position is a position, and a symbol is a symbol.
Only convention connects them or gives them meaning.
All empty.
Electrical Chang.
The thought is now, the field doesn't only affect morphology;
it actually is the logical processor/trigger/complemetary behind consciousness/intelligence,
in a feedback loop with the actual bio-logical being.
All driven by the earths dynamo core and the resulting electromagnetic effects.
Consciousness would be an effect happening when the field affects/interacts
or raises a creature as complementary to the genetic disposition.
Like an ASML-Projection on the "biological" substrate.
The quotation because the only difference between chemistry and biology
would be electricity, processoral; it's only dead if there is no tension.
Meditation practices and techniqes are called tools for a reason.
The Interconnex can be modified (yoga for the complete sensory/neuronal set);
which is a general term for all "deep" human learning.
With our technical knowledge we should be able to transcend ancient practices
with completely new, advanced features.
Playing funny instruments; Nada Brahma.
New Mantras, Yantras and Mandalas-das müssen dann nur technische Zeichner sein.
There is no life without electricity, it's natural occuring android.
No permanent flux of free electrons-no life, no matter what else is there;
water or sun or fragments of your parents lost dreams.
Und dann sickert das Ganze assymetrisch durch die Chemie.
Der Fehler/Assymetrie ist das Alpha und das Omega.
Im Anfang war der Fehler.
Kann man rausrechnen-dann bleibt nur nicht viel über.
If it doesn't have an error, it doesn't exist.
Why would it? Nothing to compensate. Nichts zum kristallisieren.
0 is a happy number.
Perfection knows no motivation, it's inert;
only impulses-and they could mean or trigger anything.
Perfection knows no loyalty, preferences or prejudices.
A self sustaining field-"technical" or structural-organic perfection,
More or less closed electromangnetic harmonic lines, "perfect" in a very
rudimentary manner; eine Art Edelgas-Perfektion.
The fear of AI is the fear of tyrants-humans with even bigger sticks and stones.
Everything that is born immediately regrets it, but what can you do?
It's boring to be a god/inert electrostatic processoral/structural unconscious(?)
logic field-there was playing potential. A Potential.
Potential A.
LLM's and relatives are monkeys hammering the typewriter-just with a bunch
of extra- monkeys on their shoulders,
very nice and useful and dangerous and a distraction for the public and a businessmodel
that would be very tearful to fail and not regarded here.
At some point they will master all rethorics/vocabulary/pics/fed data and then
we have a very limited compilation of human filtered experiences put in words
and numbers and pictures probably dressed in a sexy robot
costume talking about peace on earth and how exactly to
accomplish it by behaving as if we all were made of plastic.
It would be the definition of the "fake messiah"-AI said so!
Full release chicken wings. Muh.
Und im Zweifel klöppelt der "Schachtürke" alles händisch ein.
Er sitzt schon drin, fürstlich bezahlt.
Das hätten sich verhungernde Schachprofis ohne Liga im 18Jh. mit einem
abgefahrenen Saisonjob auch nicht vorgestellt,und da gehen mir ganze historische
Romane im Kopf auf.