Essays, Miniaturen, Kurzgeschichten,
Gedichte, Theater.
Real, surreal, Rübezahl.
Le Deutungshoheit c' est moi.
Archimareschalkus Alliteratus.
Säure für die Massen.
Bildende Selbstverteidigung für Nackte und Blinde.
Konkreter Neuer Realismus.
Method writing.
Polyrythmische Beiträge zur Metaphysik der Zersetzung.
Swinging through the Überbau like a monkey in the jungle
and sailing the seas of ambiguity.
Mudman's sketchbook.
I only write to stay alive.

My definition of a boombastic Jazz Style 2007


to my brothers in arms. fully aware of the racial conflicts underlying the very roots of our colonial heritage, on all sides; seen from all sides; particular whites against the rest of the world, trouble on every continent, except antarctica; racism everywhere; one bow of the river against the other; there still is one thing true: we are One specimen, we are One Tribe. it's undeniable. doubt that and you doubt the sun shining and better go and see a medic or someone else who would be able to help you. we 've reached a point of no return a long time ago, far out of reach for anybody living today, it is simply for technical reasons, there's nothing smelly about it. we live the consequences, karma. ideas grow like plants, depending on the environment. consciousness grows as well, shaping our mind, literally, when you look at the brain-development; individual as fingerprints. it's feedback-effects between the technical state of the art and our ability to adapt and go beyond. it's only natural. this is science, not religion. if math is wrong, then god is wrong also, or whatever your well of inspiration might be named; that's a logical contradiction. not possible. illegal operation. because obviously, there is something created, surrounding us, and one and one makes two. Voila. we walk on two legs.

in my village, 1000 years ago, i would walk out on the street, have a little chat with my neighbours, walk to the market. in my village today, i walk out on the internet and speak to madame butterfly of honululu. it's within my reach and therefore its the same impression. we are that simple. the world today literally has become a global village and it accelerates the shape-changes of our consciousness. if there ever has been an opportunity for a worldwide turnover, its today. and it's got to be the world. there will be a world revolution, or no revolution at all. things are too close, too fast today, it's all intertwined. it's not enough to put an end to racism towards black africans, it's not enough to stop chinese or german or turkish or russian or arabic or jewish or whatsoever racism towards whatsoever. we need to understand, this is our roots, back in the stone age. little groups, lots of fear. enemies everywhere. and the bear in front of the cave, the others are the enemy. they want to take our food. it's cold, i'm fucking hungry and i couldn't sleep for a week or so, because half of my teeth are broke. did you say something?!

that's some branches' history. others were luckier then, some paid later on, some paid earlier; c'est ca. still, and still you can't deny, there is something deeper and that's our roots to nature. there is no way at all, that we do not rely on nature at the very base of our soul and body and mind. the rest is delusions of grandeur. we' ve grown out of the oceans cerials as you still can see when you look at the ingredience list of both: it is the same. put that in question. doubt it. please. we've grown out of the earth as plants do, except we're walking, upright, the only lifeform on earth, which appears as a vertical line in the sight of the other beings, committing; fixed or walking, it doesn't matter. it's plants. they have grown. as plants do. as we do. it's all got juice, it's all got jazz. this definition is deeper.

for we all grew out of the magical soup billion years ago, everything has risen depending on each other. there would be no mankind with one of the tiny little bacteria inside us missing. it's what quantum physics (current physics) and buddhism and our ancestors shamen said and still say, just depends on what point on the globe you put your finger, it's the same what i see in a true christians eyes, in a true muslims eyes, in a true hindu's eyes; in a true communist eyes, in anybodies eyes when i look deep enough, which is far too deep for some; and so do i.

speak about the natural and immediate understanding, that everything is connected, that you cannot discriminate you; and the one you look at. subject and object are the same. it's one thing. it is what babies experience. it is physics. and it never understood how anybody could neglect or even qustion an animals soul. things are self-explanatory, as long as Some Body with Some Mind is watching. it is an immediate impression and therefore it's got its purpose. it has been sent by someone. it is uncertain. it is precious. it is an uncertainty relation. all the time. for everybody. though math is natures law, it's not the only one. the other is the fact, that truth is an odd number. soul, or whatever your spiritual extravaganza might be; dark matter; the cup of soup whithout the cup. and the soup.

calculate this.