Essays, Miniaturen, Kurzgeschichten,
Gedichte, Theater, SciFi.
Slam philosophy.
Real, surreal, Rübezahl.
Le Deutungshoheit c' est moi.
Die deutsche Einheit in geil.
Archimareschalkus Alliteratus.
Advocatus diaboli.
Säure für die Massen.
Bildende Selbstverteidigung für Nackte und Blinde.
Konkreter Neuer Realismus.
Method writing.
Polyrythmische Beiträge zur Metaphysik der Zersetzung.
Swinging through the Überbau like a monkey in the jungle
and sailing the seas of ambiguity.
Mudman's sketchbook.
I only write to stay alive.

Herodes 2.0

MRSA-Relotius/Corona Remix-
 Decyphering the subtext

...lets check if it works with the old.
They die lonely and vulnerable and without any mercy now.
Noone cares about them as they do about their children.
For whatever reason...

...lets check if it works with the impaired,
the ignorant, the authoritarian victims.
Noone cares about them as they do about our children.
For whatever reason...

...lets check how it works with the ones
never watch any news anywhere just because they are too busy to survive
Noone cares about you as they do about your children.
For whatever reason.

And if you are 15 and cute and dream about Utopia-
there will always be a place for you.
We care a lot.