Essays, Miniaturen, Kurzgeschichten,
Gedichte, Theater, SciFi.
Slam philosophy.
Real, surreal, Rübezahl.
Le Deutungshoheit c' est moi.
Die deutsche Einheit in geil.
Archimareschalkus Alliteratus.
Advocatus diaboli.
Säure für die Massen.
Bildende Selbstverteidigung für Nackte und Blinde.
Konkreter Neuer Realismus.
Method writing.
Polyrythmische Beiträge zur Metaphysik der Zersetzung.
Swinging through the Überbau like a monkey in the jungle
and sailing the seas of ambiguity.
Mudman's sketchbook.
I only write to stay alive.

eA's sudden and unexpected demise


                                                                                      Knedlik for all

eA eA,

where do i cut the stone?

At the rocks of Quantalid i cut the stone

eA eA eA eA

who is he coming to me?

The spirit of the sea is coming to me

eA eA eA eA

Where is he hidden,where is he hidden?

between the seaweed,

there he is hidden

eA eA

eA eA. *

eA eA 

where do i cut the stone?

At the rocks of the city i cut the stone,

the whole city is like a rock, a giant Hopi pueblo except it's raining all the time.

eA eA

eA eA

15 years i blow off my handpalm, one handed Mandala;

all empty again.

eA eA

Who is he coming to me-

the spirit of the sea is coming to me,

where is he hidden

where is he hidden?

Ahoi Ahoi,

Ahoi Ahoi

*  Ammassalik, Greenland